The Magic of the Moon by Kirsty Gallagher

Do you, like most people, have a packed social and work calendar, a family with lots of demands, a mind that never switches off or you are always taking care of and giving your time and energy away to everyone else around you? Tiredness, exhaustion, overwhelm, begrudgingly saying yes, feeling taken advantage of, snapping and losing it when it all gets too much are all sure signs that something is out of alignment and you are in need of some self-care and time out.
Coming back into a cycle, a rhythm and taking care of you and your needs, even if that’s just twice a month, will make the biggest difference to how you feel, act and react the rest of the time. Lunar Living will be life-changing for you – it offers you not only time, but also the space to get to the bottom of why you are feeling and living this way. Very often, always being busy is a way to distract from what is really going on in your life. Always saying yes has undertones of people-pleasing and being afraid to say no. Tiredness and overwhelm come from never being able to switch off and truly relax, instead thinking you should always be doing something and feeling guilty if you’re not.
By disappearing from the sky for a few nights every month, the moon shows with beautiful simplicity – and without guilt – that in order to shine and be your best, to be full and powerful, you simply have to take that time out: say no, practise self-care and, at times, withdraw into yourself to fulfil your own needs.
Extract from Lunar Living, published by Hodder and Stoughton