Inspiring Quotes To Boost Mental Health

Rachel Kelly is an author, journalist and mental health campaigner from London. Her memoir Black Rainbow won the Spear’s Best First Book Award and all author proceeds are donated to charities SANE and United Response. Throughout both of Rachel’s periods of severe depression, the healing power of poetry became an integral part of her recovery. As someone who had always loved poetry, it became something for Rachel to cling on to in times of need – from repeating short mantras to learning and reciting entire poems – these words and verses became a powerful force for change in her life. Poetry is free, has no side-effects and, as Rachel can attest, ‘prescribing words instead of pills’ can be an incredibly powerful remedy.
Here she shares three quotes that help uplift her, in the hope they do the same for you, regardless of your situation!
‘I adore simple pleasures. They are the last refuge of the complex’ – Oscar Wilde
Rachel: I love this quote because it reminds me to take refuge in life’s simple pleasures: be it human touch, gardening or the scent of a flower.
‘Such is the paradoxical nature of happiness. You cannot simply become happy, like flicking a switch in your head. Rather happiness is often an indirect consequence of the way we think and our actions.’
Rachel: This quote is from the introduction of my new book and I’ve found that it can be a helpful reminder to people that happiness is a byproduct; it is not something we can conjure out of thin air.
‘If you want to be happy, be.’- Leo Tolstoy
Rachel: Tolstoy’s words reflect the fact that we are human beings not human doings, and we need to take time to just be.