Top 5 Tips for Starting a Food Blog, from an Expert!

Top 5 Tips for Starting a Food Blog by Emma Hatcher of She Can’t Eat What?!

1) Get exploring

Inspired to blog but no idea where to start? Once you’ve thought about what it is you want to write about (it’s good to put aside a little time to really identify this) spend some time looking at other blogs that you love. Note down all of the bits that you like – style, layout, even comment boxes – and think about whether any of the elements might work for you.

Starting, creating and designing a good food blog can be a daunting task, but there’s so much great inspiration out there. You’ll also find many free and brilliant tutorials, from how to define your key message to adding those niggly widgets on WordPress that don’t want to do what they’re supposed to.

2) Make it simple

We’re a lazy bunch really and unless you’ve got a die-hard audience who know you and your content from the beginning, you want to make sure your brand and website are easy to understand and follow, so your readers keep coming back. Try and create and design a site that is easy to read, navigate, and explore. Clutter detracts from your beautiful content – which is the last thing you want when you’ve spent lots of time perfecting it.

There are no rules on how to blog, but consistency is important. Post as regularly as you can and make it easy for people to share your content and access your lovely stuff.

3) Practise those snaps

Cleverly crafted words and interesting recipes are one thing, but beautiful photographs can really bring your content to life. Stylish images are then also great used across all of your other social media channels, to promote your posts.

You don’t need a big fancy camera (though I did invest in one and love it), many bloggers simply use their iPhone to stunning effect. I’m sure you’ve heard it before, but the key to good photos is natural lighting. Small tweaks can make all the difference.

4) Network, network, network

Talk to other bloggers who are posting similar content and who share your interests, whatever they may be. Leave thoughtful, authentic comments on their blogs and posts and promote their content when relevant too. You never know what opportunities might arise – whether that’s taking part in a virtual ‘brunch’ or an interview request for somebody else’s site. Plus, it’s lovely to meet new people.

5) Be you!

The internet and social media can be a treacherous place for comparisons. Don’t compare yourself and your blog to others – there’s only one of you, so do what you do best! Post original content and write about what you actually love. Sometimes the desire for each post to be perfect can prevent you from ever getting anything out there – just remember imperfections and honesty can be instantly refreshing (and might give you something else to bond over with your audience too).

Good luck. You’ve got this!