Apps To Fix Your Problems

From the physical to the financial, there’s an app for that problem. It can get overwhelming. Fortunately, we have a team who are constantly trying apps out and reporting on the ones they find really fix everyday problems. Here’s our shortlist of apps you have to try:
Noisli helps to quiet your mind after a stressful day. Choose different background noises, from thunder to rustling leaves and water, to train tracks (nothing particularly relaxing about this, in my opinion) to help you concentrate on other things.
Zombies Run! is an app for people who are adult enough to understand they need to exercise but too much of a child to do it unless it’s a fun zombie-based game. We love it.
Sworkit is a fitness app that lets you choose the type of exercise – Strength, Cardio, Yoga, Stretching – and set the area to focus on, the amount of time you have and the level you want to work at. It’s really good when you’re short of time. The only down side is the notifications that make you feel guilty for missing a session.
Wunderlist keeps your brain free of the stress of having to remember things. We couldn’t survive without it.
Duolingo helps you learn the basics of another language- ideal if you’re planning a holiday somewhere or want to get more fluent. Duolingo feels like a game and it’s super satisfying when you gain points (‘lingots’) as you move through the levels. Again the only con is that they send you emails if you don’t practise every day, although maybe this is a good thing as the guilt keeps you going.
You Need a Budget is a financial planning app recommended by Michelle McGagh (our awesome No Spend Year author). You can try it for free for a month but it’s so good I might actually end up spending money on it (not in the budget).
The Inner Fix is an app for everything- including exercises and meditations from The Inner Fix book, daily journaling space, a personal expenses tracker to help you keep an eye on your money day to day. It also has a mood graph that helps you record your feelings, inspirational videos, recommended reading and music playlists to help you make sure you’re as fit internally as externally.
Let us know the apps you rely on, on social media @yellowkitebooks.