Ways to Connect to Nature

As children, we are absorbed by nature; we jump in puddles and in the leaves, spend hours looking at creepy-crawlies and butterflies, roll in the grass and get covered from head to toe in mud. As we get older, we lose that fascination and spend less time connecting with nature. Here are some ideas about how to reconnect with and rediscover your enjoyment of the natural world, which can all be done alongside your children. Experiencing it with your children can remind you of your own long-ago fascination with the natural world:

  1. Walk barefoot outside and sink your feet into the grass
  2. ‘Play in the dirt’ by tending to a herb or vegetable garden, or make mud pies (whether you have young children or not!)
  3. On waking, open your blinds or window and really take in the scene in front of you – notice the colours
    of the sky, the shapes of the clouds, the sharp freshness of the air
  4. Bring nature indoors by buying houseplants or keeping a jar of fresh flowers in a room where you spend a lot of time
  5. Spend some time cloud-watching in the evening when sunset paints the sky orange, red and pink
  6. Press a flower
  7. Sleep in a tent outdoors
  8. Stargaze at night
  9. Have a picnic – whatever the time of year!
  10. Go wild swimming
  11. Borrow a dog and go walking
  12. Fly a kite

Extracted from Peace Of Mind: A Book Of Calm For Busy Mums by Georgina Rodgers, £12.99