Exercises in Mindfulness & Kindfulness from Padraig O’Morain

We all know what it’s like to feel overcome by worry, to suffer the aches of tension in our body, to catch that critical little voice inside telling us we must be better. Mindfulness – the act of focusing your wandering mind on the present – can help you conquer this negativity. Psychotherapist Padraig O’Morain has been practicing mindfulness for over 25 years and teaches it through online courses, classes and on his blog and social media channels. He shows his students and followers how they can incorporate the simple practice into each busy day – and learn how to lower their stress and anxiety levels, love and accept themselves, and bring a sense of peace and contentment to their lives. Try out this selection of bite-sized audio lessons from Padraig, and let mindfulness – and kindfulness – enrich your life.
1 Self-Compassion Noting And Resting
Make time to notice your acts of self-kindness, and allow your mind and body to rest.
2 Adding Nothing To Your Thoughts
Allow your thoughts to cross your mind lightly.
Become aware of the sounds around you.
Know that you are more than the sum of your worries.
Build more of Padraig’s mindful self-compassion techniques into your daily routine with his new book Kindfulness, a practical and uplifting guide to making mindfulness your everyday ally, lowering stress levels and learning to love yourself.