3 wonderful places to get away from everything

One of the most wonderful things about working for a living is having time off from working for a living!
And living in London means that when we go on holiday we tend to like places where the pace of life, to put it mildly, somewhat slower: ideally slowing to a complete standstill so that we can unwind, refocus ourselves, and possibly even read.
In pursuit of this stillness we have seen some wonderful places and we thought it might be nice to share some of them with you so you can find that inner (and outer) peace for yourselves.
1. Get me to the Greek . . . Island
For some people the words ‘Greek Island’ conjures up a week-long non-stop party, but if that is not your thing (or not anymore) then many of these incredibly beautiful places are the perfect location to wind down. With a huge number of islands to explore there’s no shortage of secret coves and golden sands in which to find your own personal paradise.
2. Norwegian Wood
From warm sunsets and shimmering sands to snow-capped pines and aurural skies. The forests of Norway are truly a sight to behold. This is the perfect place to hide from the world with a cozy dose of cabin fever. Just bring gloves!
3. French dis-connection
Last but by no means least, we have the south of France. The French countryside is a wonderful thing and finding a remote corner of it to call your own for a week or two couldn’t be easier. Wonderful woodland, luscious lavender and fantastic forgotten fields are right on our (European) doorstep!