Meet the brand: The FODMAP Friendly Tea Co.

We sat down with Carolyn Lindrea, founder of The FODMAP Friendly Tea Co., to talk about her journey to a happy gut and the need for low FODMAP products.
Herbs are nature’s medicine when it comes to IBS. The leaves, berries, flowers, stems and roots of many plants have long been brewed to prevent, relieve and treat illness. Have you ever thought though that the tea you are drinking could be the cause of your digestive upset? So many people I talk to at events and markets are amazed that there are hidden FODMAP’s in herbal tea. The FODMAP Friendly Government Accredited Food Program here in Australia were quite surprised by the results as only a handful of herbs had previously been tested so this was welcome news for the FODMAP world. We are very proud to be the only tea company in the world to have had our blends tested. We now know the exact FODMAP present in each tea and also have certified FODMAP Friendly blends that are soothing in the digestive system relieving IBS.
So how did I find this gap in the market? After years of digestive issues I finally found I malabsorbed Fructose and was diagnosed with IBS. I decided to become a Health and Wellness coach to specialize in helping people embrace the low FODMAP diet and understand that although it is a complex diet of combinations and amounts it is also full of delectable food and options as found in books such as ‘The FODMAP Friendly Kitchen’ by Emma Hatcher. I opened up a practice in a yoga studio and set about seeking some therapeutic tea to offer my clients and realized all the ‘tummy soothing’ teas on the market contained a FODMAP. I knew something had to be done to start spreading awareness so was led down the garden path so to speak to creating ‘The FODMAP Friendly Tea Co’.
Herbs currently tested which don’t pass safe levels include Chamomile, which always surprises everyone, Dandelion and Chai. They can be tolerated in a weak steep which is also my advice if wanting to try something you are unsure of. Fennel, Oolong and Chicory root are high in FODMAPs and fruit teas contain apple and other FODMAP fruits. We can’t pinpoint the exact herb responsible for some of our blends resulting in a FODMAP being present as they are tested as a whole product but is great to know if you can tolerate that particular FODMAP. Often one cup is not going to cause any problems but is a personal preference and often people wanting to reintroduce are keen to try. Safe options besides our certified blends ‘Aussie Jem’ and ‘Grace’ are peppermint, rooibos and green tea.
We currently offer shipping quotes outside of Australia but hope in the near future to be able to find some stockists especially in the UK and USA as FODMAP friendly products are becoming more popular and in demand. We customize orders to suit in kraft pouches to enable cheaper shipping. Follow us on social media to keep up to date with newly tested blends, competitions and tag #fodmapfriends to feature!