Three Tips for Ultimate Success from Beyond Willpower

Alex Loyd, PhD, ND, holds doctorates in Psychology and Naturopathic Medicine. His 12-year search for a cure for his wife’s depression led to the discovery in 2001 of The Healing Codes system to heal the source of virtually any physical, emotional, success, or relational issue. Since then his private practice has become one of the largest of its kind in the world. In his book Beyond Willpower, Alex aims to show you how to get from stress to success in 40 days. Here are three tips for ultimate success from the book:
1 Expectations of end results not only kill your happiness, they also kill your health and your likelihood of success at almost anything. Why? Expecting a future end result instantly puts you into a chronic state of stress until you either get that result or don’t . . . You must give up using willpower and expectations to get what you really want most.
2 Ultimate success in your external circumstances depends completely upon your internal state of love, joy, and peace. These qualities are the necessary prerequisites for achieving health, wealth, creativity, happiness, and success in every area . . . Do whatever you do from an inward state of love, focusing on the present moment. That’s it. That’s the Greatest Principle . . . Living in love while focusing on the present moment is all you have to do to achieve the most success imaginable, in every life area—the perfect success for you.
3 The law of attraction says that I get what I put out. Like attracts like. If I put out good thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions, I get good back. If I put out positive energy, I get positive things in return. If I put out negative energy, I get negative things in return . . . Grace is a paradox, just like success is. You must give up wanting and striving for what you want in order to receive it.
Extract from Beyond Willpower, by Alex Loyd, published by Yellow Kite, £9.99.