Yellow Kite Flying High in 2016

Despite the cold and the dark, January always fills me with optimism. It is a time of fresh starts and new beginnings, and whether you are someone who makes resolutions or not, the beginning of a New Year helps put life in perspective. Whether you want to get fit, lose some weight or simply invest in yourself with a little extra self-care – be it practising mindfulness, committing to eating a healthy breakfast every morning or spending more quality time with your family, it is the perfect moment to start anew.
Our author Janice Kaplan devoted a year to focusing on the positives in life and being more grateful for what she has, and her book The Gratitude Diaries is a wake-up call for all of us who know we take life for granted at times. Showing gratitude can be life-changing, and what’s more it doesn’t have to take a lot of time. It is one of the many tiny tweaks all of us can adopt every day to help make daily life easier, more rewarding, and less stressful. It is my hope that by reading some of the books on the Yellow Kite list, you will pick up tips to help you lead a more fulfilled and less frantic life; one where you have the time and space to focus on yourself every once in a while, safe in the knowledge that our authors have done their research and have the best advice to offer.
As Publisher of a list of books designed to help readers live a good life, January is a very busy month with exciting books coming from authors old and new, and it is brilliant to be once again hosting our online festival. So, whether you are on track with your plans for 2016, or flagging already (!), I hope that we can inspire you, and we have so much lined up: you can dip into self-help classic The Power of Now, eat a delicious breakfast courtesy of Deliciously Ella, discover the recipe for a Sirtfood-rich green juice, get inspiration from healthy foodie Calgary Avansino or discover mindfulness and learn how to be more grateful. Check out the programme for more!
2016 is set to be another great year for Yellow Kite and we have some amazing books coming including The Book of Mindful Origami by Samuel Tsang in April, Ann Bracken’s brilliantly practical self-help guide to overcoming stress in order to conceive, Mind Body Baby, plus wisdom from everyone’s favourite film: The Wisdom of Groundhog Day by Paul Hannam. In it, Paul argues that we already have everything we need to be happy.
As long as our books have readers and our readers spread the word about how great our books are, then I will be happy.
Enjoy the festival and do let us know how you get on with our books. We love to hear from you! Please tweet us @yellowkitebooks or tag us on Instagram @yellowkitebooks.
Liz Gough
Publisher, Yellow Kite