Little Green Home: A Day In The Life

Kate Aasa is a mum of one and founder of Little Green Home, an online platform and business launching February 2016, which offers organic baby products and expert advice for a cleaner, greener home.
Kate says:
My days start bright and early at 5.30am, as my toddler is a very early riser! I start the day with a mug of warm water with lemon and ginger and check my emails, twitter and instagram, as I always leave my phone switched off downstairs overnight. I mostly work from home so I have the benefit and drawback of always being in the office!
Preparing my body for pregnancy was what really made me passionate about what products we use in our homes, and on our bodies. Since having a baby I have become so alert to the importance of using non-toxic products and I think many mums feel the same, which is why we started Little Green Home. I love getting to meet and work with different people every day and discover new and exciting brands that we can bring to the UK market, although having your own business means you are never really off the clock, much like being a parent, which can be tiring at times.
I think my most useful advice has been from my Dad, who always tells me the importance of nurturing important relationships and partnerships in business. His favourite saying is ‘Business is about people, people, people.’ I worked for my family’s textiles company for 8 years before leaving to have my son and starting up my business. I started Little Green Home with two friends who share similar passions, and the wellness industry is really going from strength to strength so I think there are a lot of opportunities out there. You can find amazing resources via online platforms such as or and I really admire Calgary Avansino who is a great ambassador for wellness and full of great culinary ideas for kids and adults alike.
I always try to make enough dinner so that I can have leftovers for lunch the next day. This saves me a lot of time as I’m usually on the go and it’s so easy to make unhealthy choices when you’re time poor. I usually snack on fruit and nuts/nut butter or have a green juice or smoothie if I need a boost. When I’m not working I am at home with my family and seeing friends. I am currently pregnant with my second baby so my social life is somewhat limited as I like to be in bed by 9pm! Since getting pregnant my workout routine has slowed a little but I try to do pilates when I can and otherwise I walk as much as possible. I am very lucky that my husband loves to cook so we plan and prep on a weekend and he usually cooks for us on weeknights.
My dream job as a child used to change regularly- from being a milkman to a poet to a TV presenter!
My 3 online sources of inspiration are:
1 The Chalkboard Mag App has great wellness articles beautifully presented.
2 Amelia Freer has been my nutritional therapist for several years. She has a great philosophy on how to nourish your body and posts great recipes regularly.
3 Headspace Meditation App is my most used app, it is so simple to use and has really helped me take a more mindful approach to life.
Photo credit: Julie Michaelsen