Tips for a Mindful Commute
Related Categories: Work
Of course not all our travels are about having holidays. The average British person commutes for fifty-four minutes a day. Often we find ourselves squashed into train carriages, shoulder to shoulder with other people, with our heads
bowed, faces grey and all willing the time to go quicker. Or maybe you crawl to work in a car in back-to-back traffi c jams. Our commutes can often leave us stressed and feeling negative.
Here are some ideas to practise to stay calm and mindful during the dreaded commute:
- Leave extra time if you can – knowing you’re going to be late will just make you more stressed. If you arrive at your destination early, take the opportunity to have a coffee or enjoy the quiet at the office before your colleagues arrive.
- Stay mindful and notice the way your body feels. Are your shoulders and back straight? Where in your body can you feel tension? Consciously relax yourself and think about conserving energy for the rest of your day.
- Notice the details of the environment around you: the road, the train, the bus. What can you see, smell and hear?
- Take a few moments to focus on your breath. In a crowded train carriage, for example, this can create a welcome sense of space.
- Establish mindfulness rituals, so for example at each train or tube stop or, if you are driving by car, at each set of traffic lights, take a slow and deep breath.
From Peace Of Mind: A Book Of Calm For Busy Mums by Georgina Rodgers £12.99